Capitals Defenseman Was An Accidental Insider For Sharks’ Fabian Zetterlund

Fabian Zetterlund learned he was traded from the San Jose Sharks to the Ottawa Senators stepping out of a sauna.

However, fellow Swedish NHLer and Washington Capitals defenseman Rasmus Sandin actually told him the news before Mike Grier could.

“He was asking me back, Who got traded? And I said, you’re getting traded. And he started like, that’s funny. [I said] No, you’re getting traded, Sandin said. “[He was like] Where? And I just said you’re going to Ottawa. And he’s like, yeah, right. Then, right after that, Grier called him, so he had to pick that up.”

Sandin, Zetterlund, and William Eklund are close friends. Sandin told reporters that he’s known Zetterlund for around a decade.

“Fabian, I’ve known for a long time. Fabian was I knew him first. I want to say I think the first time we met was maybe 10 years ago or something like that,” Sandin said. “William was not recently, but a couple of years, maybe three, four years ago. I built a strong connection right away. Fun two guys, for sure.”

Sandin said that Zetterlund would call him back but didn’t get back to him until the next day.

“He said he was going to call me back, but he didn’t call me back until the day after,” Sandin laughed. “I was going to a game too. That was a different conversation, for sure.”

Sandin and the Capitals visit the San Jose Sharks in an afternoon matinee at the SAP Center on Saturday with a 2 p.m. PT puck drop.

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